Our assortment
shrub rose

Lichtkönigin Lucia®

strong lemon yellow
repeat blooming
erect, upright
erect, upright

From €12.95 *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Very profuse flowerage, robust, ideal to combine with other shrub roses and perennials, very frost-resistant.

Fragrance intense
Petal Count semi double
Winter-hardiness extremly winterhardy
Black Spot higher susceptibility, restorative required
Mildew higher susceptibility, restorative required
Rust leichte Anfälligkeit, Regenration aus einger Kraft
plants per m²: 3
flowering period: repeat blooming
award: Gold medal
diameter: 8 cm, 10 cm
natural height: 150 cm
natural width: 70 cm
parfume: fruity
plant: erect, upright
resistance to diseases: high
breeder: W. Kordes' Söhne
location / use : suitable for hedges
year of introduction: 1966
note: The details refer to our location, soil and climate conditions and may vary.

13 of 13 reviews






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March 7, 2024 12:17

Lichtkönigin Luzia

Diese Rose war im ersten Jahr schon gross und wunderschön in der Farbe ,freu mich auf die ersten Blüten in diesem Jahr

December 4, 2023 12:38

Rosier fiable/Reliable rose

Très bon rosier qui peut être conduit en rosier arbustif ou en rosier grimpant. En rosier grimpant dans ma roseraie. Très florifère et solide/A very good rose which can be trained as a shrub or a climber. As a climbing rose in my rose garden. Very prolific flowering and sturdy rose.

July 1, 2021 22:33

Wahrlich eine Königin in unserem Garten.

Wahrlich eine Königin in unserem Garten.

July 1, 2021 15:58

Lichtkönigin Lucia

Lichtkönigin Lucia

June 27, 2020 21:40

Seit Jahren in meinem Garten.

Seit Jahren in meinem Garten.

May 30, 2018 13:39

Lichtkönigin Lucia

May 29, 2018 15:06

Lichtkönigin Lucia

September 17, 2014 14:19

Lichtkönigin Lucia ®

wir sind sehr zufrieden

June 7, 2012 15:38


ganz wunderschöne,intensive farbe, ohne zu knallig zu sein. wächst straff nach oben und sollte ab und an stark zurückgenommen werden, sonst verkahlt sie unten. steht hier leider nicht ganz optimal kann dann ein bischen rost enwickeln, regneriert sich allerdings gut selber und braucht nicht gespritzt zu werden. umwerfend frischer duft... die lieblingsrose meines mannes.

June 6, 2012 16:09

A avoir absolument dans son jardin

Floraison jaune exceptionnelle et continuelle. Parfum léger mais qui se propage par effluve dans tous le jardin. Tiges vigoureuses ne nécessitant pas de tuteurage. Seule défaut, sil y en a un, les fleurs tombent vite en ensoleillement maximum.

Order number 118-00

Bare rooted rose

Info Sustainability
shrub rose - Lichtkönigin Lucia® Bare-rooted rose, A-quality delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: February - april


From 5 Piece(s) per

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Order number 118-31

Plant-o-fix Pot, 2 liter

Info Sustainability
shrub rose - Lichtkönigin Lucia® 2-l-Plant-o-fix Pot with growth guarantee delivery time: within 8 business days delivery period: February - april


From 5 Piece(s) per

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs


Goes well with

Edition spring 2025
Kordes garden rose catalogue
We are happy to present you our new 2025 catalogue containing our complete range of garden roses on 180 pages, as well as lots of valuable tips about roses. Clearly divided into rose types such as floribundas, climbing or ground cover roses, etc., everyone will find his or her right rose here. Of course, our healthy and colorful new breeds and our garden rose collections uniting wonderful rose varieties with similar characteristics should not be missing. Our brand new bee logo will help you find insect friendly roses even faster and the Kordes guide provides answers to recurring questions on topics such as buying, planting, pruning and protecting roses. In our planning aids we have put together tried and tested rose varieties for almost every possible use and location. When ordering plants you can order this catalogue for € 1,00. If you order only the catalogue without plants, we have to calculate additionally 4,-€ shipping costs. Unfortunately our catalogue is only available in GERMAN. Please use our internet with an english version.  .Tip: Our gardenrose catalogue is also available as pdf download and additionally as an interactive 3D catalogue.

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shrub rose
Lichtkönigin Lucia®
Very profuse flowerage, robust, ideal to combine with other shrub roses and perennials, very frost-resistant.
From €12.95*
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Frozen Roadrunner®
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From €12.95*
climbing rose
Very vigorous and healthy climber with many branches, which will please with its fragranted apricot-coloured flowers suffused in pink.
From €16.95*
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Very abundant flowering floribunda with large, doubled cups and even growth habit. Her velvet red colour was namesgiving for this rose variety.Has received several awards, as the fragrance prize in Glasgow and the prize of the journalists in Monza. 
From €13.95*

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